Space Run Galaxy Tower Defense 3 | TD Gaming | TD Gaming

Limited by Game Mechanics
It can be frustrating, when you have enough money to buy a new tower for your ship, but your limited by this game mechanic. You simply don’t have access to more of that resource in that current level. This results in more grinding, which a lot of people won’t like. For me, this ended up adding an element of realism to the game, even though admitted more challenging it made it feel a little bit more realistic.
One of the things I hate about this game is the fact that you can’t change the direction the towers facing after you place it on your ship. This is extremely frustrating. It used to be, and the original game, you can change the direction of any tower. Other than that, the placement rules are basically the same as the original game. The new towers are really cool. The most impressive new tower is the one that upgrades all the towers around it. So basically any tower that’s adjacent to it within its range will have its damage is fire rate and other things increased.
The special abilities for each tower also different in this game.
In the original game, there were different special abilities that can be used after cooldown periods that can be unlocked. You can manually aim the special abilities in the new game. You can even pull together a special abilities, where you didn’t get to do this in the original one. Thrusters play into this strategy in a big way, because they replenish the special abilities. Such important add as many thrusters as you can in galaxy. In the original space run, the special abilities that make such a big impact on gameplay. In this game, they are essential and you will spend a lot more time using them.
Build the way you want it.
One of the things I wanted to be able to do in the original game was to be able to build my own ship the way I wanted to build it. In this game, finally, unable to do that. In the original space run you were just given a different ship of the beginning of each level. It is up to you to figure out outfitted, but didn’t really feel like your ships of the change every single time. In this game the you get to build your own ship with it’s own towers where you want them. You have different frames that you can use to build your ship upon. Define new ones as the game progresses. See you have to sit there and deal a different ship in each level that you get to. You can build the same ship to use for each mission and just keep using it for each one of that’s what you want to do. You can expand your ship, you can do all kinds of things upgrade the one that you’re currently using. This is probably the biggest and most important achievement of the new game over the old one.
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