Defense Zone 3 Ultra HD Part 3 | TD Gaming

The most annoying thing in this tower defense game is you can’t see the entire battlefield at one time.
This is always just not a very good idea….
The default view of the map only shows part of the battlefield. You can use keys or you can use your touchscreen to move the camera around and or if you’re using a mouse you can use that. But most areas are about four screens in size which means that you have to drag the camera around to the equivalent of four times to see what you can see on the screen at any given time. It’s 4 times too big basically.
Constantly pan around the map- otherwise you gonna miss something important. You might find a key chokepoint and think that you got it covered by towers and then realize that there’s some other part of the battlefield that’s completely circumventing what you’re trying to do. We might forget about a tower and forget what is upgraded because you don’t pan to that side of the map. Having this kind of lack of sight in the battlefield is what lets enemies through. It can be really frustrating in a tower defense game.
The biggest problem with the Defense Zone 3 Ultra HD is that actual game balance itself is not really well thought out.
The earlier problem with the camera is bad but it’s not nearly as bad as the game balance itself. There are only eight maps in the game and it takes ages to clear each one. Even if you play with time sped up, it’s still gonna take forever to finish. Sometimes it could even take more than an hour just to clear a level. And there isn’t really any good way of speeding that up. Even if you’re playing on easy instead of playing on normal, it’s starting to take a long time, maybe not as long as a normal but it’ll still take forever. It would’ve been better if each stage took more like 15 or 20 minutes- something like that. Or at least a half an hour, because anything longer than that in a tower defense game is kind of ridiculous.
All in all, this turret defense game is visually great and the title definitely makes sense.
Although I wish you could see the whole map by default- that would be really ultra HD. But units exploding and animations and all that stuff look really great. The sound effects are great too which is very surprising. The music actually doesn’t get on my nerves either. Even the speed of the game keeps up while there’s tons of stuff going on in missiles are flying everywhere, and trails a smoker crisscrossing the screen. All the animations going on don’t actually affect frame rate. Always not on my devices.
Even with all the problems this game has that kept if from coming together perfectly, it’s still worth looking into and it is a really good time. It just one of those things, we can’t really always explain exactly why, it’s more like a combination of small things that started drag the game down. The good news is you do get your money’s worth, because it does take so long to beat!
Check out Jamata Tower Defense if you are looking for a turret defense game on mobile that doesn’t have in app purchases. Paid version also available if you don’t like ads.