Spacejacked Tower Defense and Side Scrolling 2 | TD Gaming

You sell and rebuild your defenses in the compartment that you know is going to be attacked next.
Even if you build your defenses, you have to use your own blaster to help defeat the enemy.
The buzzer will eventually go off, signaling that you need to move to another compartment about to go under attack. You have to sell as many towers as you can before you leave your current compartment and rush to the one that you have to go to next. Sometimes, later in the game, multiple compartments will be attacked at the same time and you have to figure out how to divide your attention. Not just that, but you have to divide your resources to so that you can keep all your compartments safe and secure.
How the hell is as possible, how are you supposed to do all this and jump between all these different compartments later on the game and still be able to defend all of your turf? The controls of this game end up solving this problem. They make it easy to jump around and that is what is you’re going to need to be able to do. You won’t believe how easy it actually ends up becoming. This is one of the only tower defense games ever made that actually plays better with a controller instead of a mouse and keyboard. Instead of being frustrated, trying to juggle all these different things at once ends up being a lot of fun.
Tower defense games these days really need to find something new to in order to stand out.
This game does a good job of combining different ideas together in a way that hasn’t been seen before. If it could be said, this is almost an arcade type of tower defense game. There’s even an endless play mode. So that is one good way to spend a lot of time- just trying to get your score higher. In a different universe, this game would’ve been found in your local arcade right next to all the classics.
If you’re the type of person that really likes the slow-paced feeling of tower defense games, then Spacejacked might not be the game for you because it really is a lot more fast-paced. On the other hand, if you kind of like tower defense games but they’ve always been a little bit too slow for you than this might be the way to go. You might find something unique here that you haven’t found in any other game.
Ironically, it feels like the second half of the game is actually easier than the first after the game. So I’m not sure how that’s supposed to work in regards to difficulty. The second ship is organized a lot better, but this also means that it becomes a lot easier to beat each level. Usually, in these games, and basically every game ever made, the game should progressively get more difficult and not easier. If your a seasoned tower defense player, you might end up feeling same way as you play through this TD game.
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