Spacejacked Tower Defense and Side Scrolling 1 | TD Gaming

You are the one, the only, Dave Paprovsky.
Though only a lowly space technician, you alone can stop the alien creeps. The ship’s fate rests in your hands. You are the only one that can stop them. Armed with only two tools that help you fight the alien invaders, you must travel between four different compartments on the ship. The whole universe is depending on you.
The first of these tools is, of course, your laser blaster. Here you will find a 2-D side scrolling shooter. But Dave can’t just wildly shoot constantly in every direction, he must wait for the blaster to reload. If you want to have more ammunition and better firing rate, you must find the resources that you need, the metal that’s required, in order to upgrade.
But that’s not all! The legendary Dave can also build towers. Hence, Dave has now entered the world of tower defense. And we have entered it with him. There are pads in each compartment of your ship that you can use the place towers to defend against the aliens. Dave has access to three basic tower defense towers. You have a normal machine gun tower, you have a slower firing but much more powerful tower, and you have a temporal tower- it slows down enemies. Each tower has two settings to determine how the tower’s going to work, and they can each be upgraded twice.
The whole tower defense element of this game is focused more on speed than anything else.
Most of the time, in regular tower defense games, you build your towers and just sit there and pray that you made the right decisions and the defense that you set up will be enough to stop the enemies. This game is loads more complicated. In this game, you don’t just get part of the build cost back when you sell a tower- you get the entire cost of the the building of the tower back into your coffers. The fact of the matter is that you will never have enough resources to just simply build towers and wait for the creeps to move through the level. You’ll have to move behind them even as they’re still tracing the path, and tear down the towers behind them in order to build more towers in front of them. This keeps the player constantly on the move as the wave continues through the level.
I played a lot of tower defense games but I have to say that this extra element of pressure definitely makes the game all that more fun. It really makes up for other areas of the game might be lacking. It is a typical tower defense game, because it really does push you to keep tearing down towers and building new ones constantly. A lot of time we can’t just sit there and wait for the level the complete.
That’s why the pacing of the game is really the best part. Usually, I complain in tower defense games I don’t have enough time to plan out my towers. In a normal tower defense game, I would want to be able to have enough time, or even pause time, to sit there and figure out where the best placement of towers is going to be. But this is really going in the other direction, and I can appreciate that. You will have time between waves to plan a little bit, but you’re always playing jazz because you will have to keep tearing down towers and building towers in front of the enemies between them and the goal.
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