My Favorite Mobile Game | King of Avalon | TD Gaming

What makes a good mobile game?
My favorite game to play on my mobile device or tablet, is an android game that I do play every chance I get, whenever I have a little bit of free time, is King Of Avalon. I play this game on a daily basis, or at least try to, in order to maintain my empire and keep from being overrun by enemy hordes. The game is quite addicting, and once it sinks it’s teeth in to you, then it is all over and you too will be hooked.
The interface is pretty simple to navigate, which is good, because there is so much to learn about, manage, and expand upon. For a few examples; you have 4 different style barracks, for training different types of army soldiers; there is a subsection for growing crops, forging iron, and healing wounded troops; you have an area for collecting “hero cards” of a variety of different high ranking officers and warriors and evolving them through the ranks; there is a university for learning new talents and gaining abilities; and there is a separate stadium for growing/evolving your dragon. Plus, there is so much more than just these couple examples, too much to even try and list it all.
The game is good because it is based off of two maps simultaneously.
The first is the inner kingdom map- which is where you will find all the above examples located on- used for building up individual character and also your kingdom as a whole. Part of the fun of the game is reaching a good balance of how you spend your time. You wouldn’t want to spend too much time in any one zone, because you would be doing so at the sacrifice of at least one other area in which you could be growing and expanding your character (who is the king of your particular castle/kingdom).
The second layer of the map is the one where you actually battle and go to war with other groups of kingdoms and with a wide variety of monster like characters. Ones that I cam send out groups of my warriors towards. In order to go to war with, because I get bonuses for each round I win. Which is done by physically walking inside of their system maps with large groups of my fighters. But it looks like they found something distreacting because it looks like my warrior pike men are separating away, while we are out here inside of the secondary map.
My strategy
The ax men and archer groups are quickly becoming smaller groups and i am losing my dragon riding, training, and seperation of fighter groups. Then comes the pulling back of all my high ranking warriors again. Because at one point we were all at “full extension”, meaning stretched out beyond our walls defenses. We were just walking back and forth, to and from our furthest away secure space- just without actually marching outside the castle walls and tempting the neighbor to attack me. Everyone is just poised, totally tense, for one side or the other to commit an unforgivable act and it will be all out war between all the clans in the system. Everyone has been prepairing for all out war for like 2 weeks.
So, between those two different interactive maps which make up the entire world. From all of my generals and leadership roles who voluntarily let themselves get sent out in the search for being part of the first two waves of bodies for an overwhelming frontal type assault. Charging in on whoever was in charge of that subsection before my soilders began storming forward into the frontal assault thats when the servers transform the other teams leadership players into final players on the board for this war game, and once i beat them i gain control of that territory.
Last notes on King of Avalon
So, my overall opinion of this game, is that it is fully involving of you as a player. After spending the proper amount of time building up a character and all the various ways one develops an advanced player profile for your own king, plus after you have to of trained all the right amount of defensive soldiers, which you then need to station at your front gate. Once all these prerequisites have been met, that’s when you are finally then capable of interacting with both maps at full power, and with every individual aspect available- of which there are so many/much that idk where everything’s resting/landing space is at on each map yet, and ive been a regular player for weeks, if not months, now..
I’m always learning new aspects of the game and ways in which I can further develop my character. There seems to be endless tangents you can get sucked into when evolving your characters and preparing them for battle. The one and only drawback to the game is the way players with the most real dollars to spend inside the game are the ones who advance fastest. I don’t ever buy upgrades, I just grind it out day in and day out. That’s my strategy for this game. Other than that I have zero complaints. I’m not sure if it is compatible as an iOS game, but if it is check it out.