My Favorite Mobile Game Pokemon Go | TD Gaming

My favorite game, by far, that I’ve ever played on mobile is Pokemon Go. It brings me back to my childhood and lets me experience the greatest moments all over again. As a shy kid, I turned to Pokemon as my solace and found friends in the characters and creatures I befriended in the game. Now that it’s on mobile, I can carry that experience wherever I go in my adult life. It makes me feel like the Pokemon I catch are right there with me as I go through the hum-drum monotony of life. It’s like an old friend that came back to visit and decided to stay.
I enjoy Pokemon Go because it connects me to my real-life friends and family. I can take my niece with me on walks and marvel as she gets excited over something I cherished in my childhood. The sparkle in her eye warms my heart, and that’s exactly what I believe Pokemon was created for. I also get to reach out to old friends and reminisce about our shared interest in the game while we tackle gyms together and marvel at our achievements.
I’ve also made new friends while playing Pokemon Go. While I’m out in the town, I’ve encountered many who share the same ideals and memories from the franchise. We laugh, compete, and catch all of the Pokemon together and slowly develop friendships along the way. It’s great, and it’s so rewarding.
This innovative mobile game not only brings me joy and fellowship, but it has also improved my health! Instead of lounging on the couch playing video games, I can actually be active while playing a video game on my phone. It’s genius! I cannot count how many steps I’ve walked to hatch eggs and find my favorite Pokemon. I’ve really changed my outlook on getting exercise, and it’s so much fun!
I think I touched on this a bit, but one of the biggest reasons I love this game is the nostalgia I feel when I play it. I’ve been playing Pokemon since I was eight years old, and now that I’m grown up, it’s a bit harder to find time to just sit down and play the games I used to love so much as a kid. I can’t sit on my Gameboy and hunt for shiny Magikarps anymore, and I can’t spend hours beating ever gym. Now, on my phone, I can play Pokemon wherever I am. If I have a few minutes of a break during work, I can grab my phone and catch the Pikachu sitting outside the window. When I’m making dinner, I can have it sitting next to me to notify me of any ongoing raids or rare Pokemon sighting. I can keep something so dear to my heart close to me in a way I never could while growing up.
The great thing about timeless entertainment is that it grows and develops over the years, and Pokemon is no different. Pokemon Go is such an innovative spin on the franchise. It takes something so precious and hand-held, and it transitions that so perfectly to your phone. Not only do you get to be a Pokemon master, catch them all, fight gyms, and beat team rocket, but you also get to do it in real-time, and in augmented reality! It quite literally brings a great game to life. From tiny pixels to a life-like avatar, your character is integrated into modern life. Instead of staring at an 8-bit character that mirrors everyone else’s, you can customize your character to look just like you and walk everywhere you do! The advances in this Pokemon game are astounding, and I could go on about it until I was blue in the face.
I’ll leave you with this. Pokemon Go is an amazing game for those young and old, new to the game and seasoned. If you haven’t already, try it out for yourself and you’ll see! I just can’t gush enough about this game, guys. Really, it’s just been such an enjoyable experience playing Pokemon Go. I hope by reading this review you, too, can find joy in such a diverse and wonderful game!
Pokemon Go Snorlax vs Mewtwo;