TD vs Strategy

TD vs Strategy
Do you love playing strategy games? Well if so, Tower Defense is for you! This is one of those strategy games that are so much fun to play and will just as much challenge you. The game is well thought out in its design, nice graphics which allow you to easily assess your status. The sound quality is good, although the developers could win over a few more players hearts with the use of volume control. Some people like to hear the music over the sound effects and others prefer the sound effects over the music. The various levels will challenge you to come up with creative strategies in order to be able to win. This is not a game for the person who wants to mindlessly zone out. You will be kept fully engaged, both with your mind and with some quick moving fingers.
Tower Defense can be played both on tablet platforms and through mobile phone platforms.
Most people, like myself, prefer to play games on our phones. It’s convenient, we all carry our phones on us throughout our day to day routines. It’s really great to be able to just pull out my phone and kill time in such a fun way, without mindlessly zoning out into it. There are also different Tower Defense games available across the mobile gaming platforms as well. There is Zone and Zone 2, TD Generals TD, TD Civil War, and the list goes on.
I know it probably seems like I’m just rambling on, but I just can’t express enough how awesome this game truly is. You can go in and challenge yourself to come up with all these different strategies. Then at the end, you can go back and replay the levels and perfect your tower placements, upgrades. Anyone who has spent time playing this game can tell you, tower combinations and your upgrades are very important. The first few levels will teach you the basics then you need to really step your game up after that if you want to win. The leaderboards are also a nice touch if you are into friendly competition. Each game that these developers work on and send out are continuously improving in big ways and little ways, the game developers really care about the player’s experience and will listen to your feedback. Allowing us TD lovers to be able to play better and better games.
As much time as we spend on our phones in a day, use some of that amount to get some action in with one of these games. It’s quick and easy to download with a large variety available to meet your specific likes. Check it out and let everyone else out there know how much you love playing this game too!